Thursday, July 29, 2010

Initial thoughts on being social ...

Learning 2.0 - my first steps towards exploring the online world that exists beyond searching the internet for information and sending emails.

As anyone with the ability to read, watch or listen to what's being printed, screened or talked about, I am aware that there is more out there. However, most of these new ways of communicating such as through twittering, youtube or via facebook only really seem to be a platform for advising the world what one was doing, seeing, wearing, etc.

Thoughts which once would have been kept private or only shared with a close circle of friends now seemed to be up for public consumption and broadcast to the world. Everyone from well-known public figures to the stranger in the street wanted you to know and know everything!

As a person who values their privacy and enjoys moments of quiet contemplation without someone else discussing and debating the ins and outs of such thoughts this was definitely not something I personally wanted to embrace.

So what did I expect to learn from the State Libraries NSW Public Libraries Learning 2.0 program?

Well, after reading the course agenda I can see that there are other ways of using these social communication tools. Information which once would have only been available in a printed format such as instructions on how to use your new DVD recorder could now be accessed via youtube in an instructional video. This different manner of providing information enabled those who needed to know, to understand, what might not have been fully grasped previously. For that I am prepared to put aside my reservations over what I have already seen and think I know.

Learning 2.0's program provides a guided format in which to learn and helps one to explore the vast array of possible activities and the steps involved in easily digestible learning blocks. What seems so very overwhelming when first contemplated now appears achievable..

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