Sunday, November 18, 2012

Event management

Scheduling ones daily/weekly/monthly/yearly calendar can be a difficult task, especially when other people's attendance and availability is involved. The following online mangement tools can really help with the challenge.


This is a really easy tool to use and is great for arranging meetings with other people. It is especially useful for someone who is constantly on the go, moving from one location to the other and working remotely as it can be accessed anywhere, anytime as long as you have internet access, which with the exisiting range of internet accessible portable devices is incredibly easy today.

Google calendar

This is a more advanced event management tool with multiple ways of organising ones schedule.  Registering with this tool is so easy if one already has a gmail account as one only has to log on. One can even see a read only view of one's calendar without the need for being online.


This is a really good tool for managing attendees for an event you wish to run as it is really easy for people to use which is almost half the challenge.  Up and coming events can be searched with the basic search bar and results can be limited to the event's date, location, category (e.g. convention) and fee. Tickets can also be easily printed out by the attendee.

Of the three tools, I would probably only really use Doodle for scheduling meetings with people outside of our organisation as we already use Microsoft Outlook at work which has a council contacts list already and a calendar tool.  I would recommend Eventbrite to our Community Information team for managing all of our author talks and other events.

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