Other tasks such as creating letters for lost, stolen, damaged items or overdue items are usually set according to council approved templates and only recquire editing of individual member / item details.
*I suspect that staff at other libraries probably only really use
their supplied software too unless they need to create something and
they find themselves unable to do so easily with what they have access
So given my
limited useage I did not really think I would discoverany great new tips
for using Google Docs that I could apply to my work situation.... But I
was pleasantly surprisd to discover at least a few new tips that I
could get excited about!
Tips I liked - You can
1. Create shared folders with documents that can be
accessed by other trusted people who can log on and edit at the same
time as other members given access.
We have all experienced frustration in attempting to see members of a
group at the same time as if someone is not already committed to
working somewhere in the library, they are already attending another
meeting / training session, are at lunch, having a rostered day off or
on annual leave. Those that do attend are usually focused for about
half the time with one eye on their watch as they need to do something
else soon.
By using shared documents for subjects you want to discuss or
work on with other people, you can provide your comments, suggestions
and sourced information at a time that best suits you.
You no longer have to schedule face-to-face meetings requiring additional time and expense in travelling to and from one location to another. A deadline can be announced for all members to submit their input and the final results can be managed by a nominated person with everyone else able to check in again at a set date.
You no longer have to schedule face-to-face meetings requiring additional time and expense in travelling to and from one location to another. A deadline can be announced for all members to submit their input and the final results can be managed by a nominated person with everyone else able to check in again at a set date.
2. Use Google to translate your text documents into other language
Our library membership is very culturally diverse and not all members have English as a second language. We
are lucky enough to have members of staff with bilingual language
skills, but we still come across many people who we find it difficult to
communicate with and pictures, hand gestures and mime can only get you
so far.
Now if someone writes to us in another language, we can use
Google translate where we can retype the letter's content in (provided
it is in recognised characters) and have it translated into English. It
may not be a perfect translation, as we know certain phrases in one
language don't always mean anything in another, but it can provide
enough of an idea for us to understand what they are communicating.
We can then compose our reply in English and have it translated
into their language which we can then send back (possibly with a note
re: tool used to translate document and apologies for any
misunderstandings or miscommunications).
Alternatively, if the person is standing in front of you, you can
open up Google translate, type in some text and play the translation in
their language to them. If they speak a language that uses the English
alphabet, they too can use the keyboard to communicate too.
Here is an e.g. of what can be done.
Hello I am the Overdues Officer.We charge overdue fees for items which are returned late. You must return items in time or renew them online to avoid these fees. You may renew items twice provided that no reservation exist.
German translation
Hallo, ich bin der Überfälligkeiten Officer.
Wir berechnen überfälligen Gebühren für Artikel, die verspätet zurückgegeben. Sie müssen Elemente zurück in der Zeit oder erneuern Sie sie online, um diese Gebühren zu vermeiden. Sie können zu erneuern Artikel zweimal sofern keine Vormerkung besteht.
Wir berechnen überfälligen Gebühren für Artikel, die verspätet zurückgegeben. Sie müssen Elemente zurück in der Zeit oder erneuern Sie sie online, um diese Gebühren zu vermeiden. Sie können zu erneuern Artikel zweimal sofern keine Vormerkung besteht.
* Please accept my apologies for any errors as I have used a translation tool and my German is only so-so. No offense has been intended*
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