Sunday, September 12, 2010 ways of keeping track

I like very much. This can be extremely useful in preserving perpetual (as long as del.ici.ous exists) access to the websites regularly visited on communal staff library computers.

At present our information desk computers have a number of favourites saved for the internet. However, this is regularly cleaned out, as what one staff member considers relevant and important for quick access, another does not.

If we bookmarked then we could still visit our own individual list of favourites which could be accessed from all computers. could also be saved as a favourite on the public access internet computers. The library could create an account with particular pages of regularly requested websites listed for quick access.

This would save staff time and decrease customer frustration as we would both no longer have to go through the multiple steps involved in locating the required information. A classic example involves trying to locate the practice driver knowledge tests on the RTA website (

1 comment:

  1. A delicious account may get around some of the issues you mention above - provided people did not go through and clean it out.

