Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Evaluate ... analyse and most certainly get statistics for.

Thank god for web based tools as it makes these steps so much easier!

I mainly looked at Google Alerts and Webmonkey and found that 

Google Alerts - Is so easy to use.

Setting up the alert service was extremely easy.  I did one for my work library and got an alert sent to my email that day.  The alert contained a brief summary (including the key words requested) with a link to the main content on the relevant website.

This service could be easily used by a library with the library's email used as the recipient to keep track of comments made by other people, businesses and institutions about our services, programs and council.

It's an inexpensive (free) and undemanding way of getting feedback and can be utilised for a short or long period as required.

Survey monkey - was a little harder to use

It was fairly easy to navigate but it kept having issues with sending out my test survey even when the email receipient really, truly did exist and I had double checked I had entered it correctly and scheduled the email to be sent immediately.

Having previously experienced completing a survey I knew that it was an easy and relatively painless thing to complete but maybe the paid survey monkey option suffers no glitches....

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